Heaven Designs in this blog will debunk some popular solar installation myths in the mind of EPCs with impeccable solar solutions. Myths can discourage many investors from benefitting from the potentiality of solar systems. we aim to educate our EPC audience that solar solutions can debunk such myths and encourage more users towards solar generation investments.
While many might know the environmental and financial benefits of solar panel installation, many myths surrounding the concept serves to be a massive hurdle contributing to the slow growth of solar EPC. With the development of technology and design concepts, people have adopted solar despite the myths. However, there are still some myths that continue to hinder the progress of solar EPC. In this blog, we will break down the top 5 such popular myths for EPC regarding solar installation and PV systems.
Myth #1. Solar Panel Installation Requires Huge Amount Of Investment Which Takes Time To Recover.
False, solar installation does not actually require huge capital investments. With prices of components such as panels, PV systems are slashing 80% costs since 2010. Going solar is now much cheaper than ever. The major myth of designing cost is also not the whole truth; a great solar design doesn’t mean that it will dig your pockets. Heaven Designs helps solar EPC with great designs for their solar projects and that too within their specified budget. Also, other investment options such as OPEX models have also effectively eliminated the need for huge capital investments and system maintenance costs. OPEX allows the user to only pay a fixed amount per unit consumed to the solar EPC provider which ultimately safeguards the growth of EPCs.
Secondly, it is also a false statement that solar installation does not offer a ROI. A solar PV system is a combination of great solar system design, structure design, and engineering work which when executed professionally covers an average life span of 25 to 30 years. Therefore, it will significantly reduce or nullify your customer’s annual utility costs for at least two decades.

Myth #2. Solar Designing Increases The Cost Of Solar Projects
Another false statement that revolves in EPC businessmen’s mind is that the cost of solar designing increases the cost of the solar project. We would like to add here that a solar project is in general a one-time investment and it provides you the tag of power generation, so such big terms don’t come with crumbled plans. A detailed process and timeline are followed with certain principles that create the possibility of power generation. An optimum solar PV design is the first milestone towards a successful solar system installation, without adequate solar design, a solar system is like a bow without an arrow. Therefore, a great solar system design is the first milestone towards a perfect solar power generation unit which gives you great returns on your investments and helps EPCs in assuring any miss-happening regarding power generation.

Myth #3. Solar Designing Companies Have Nothing To Do With Solar System Structuring
The name Heaven Designs can alone quash this myth. We at Heaven Designs helps EPCs with the most suitable solar structure design for ground-mounted, rooftop, industrial power plant according to client’s roof profile. (eg. east-west tin shed, north-south tin shed, and many more)
With Heaven Designs-
-Get STAAD Pro Report For Structure Strength And Wind Analysis
-Get Customized Design For Industries And Commercial Complex
-Ground Mounted Structure Design As Per Contour Mapping & Soil Test Report
-Detailed Fabrication Drawings
Myth #4. It’s Difficult To Convince Customers And Deliver The Right Presentation
Well this myth can possibly turn into reality in those cases when the EPC shakes hand with an unprofessional solar designing company. We at Heaven Designs helps EPCs with our special concept of ‘Pre-Designs’ in which we provide a pre look and feel via complete 3D walk-through videos and photos of the projects. This concept helps EPCs in impressing their customers with unique designs and also helps in building initial trust with the customers.
What Do We Provide In Pre-Design?
-Complete 3D walk-through (deliver video & photos of the entire project to your client)
-Shadow analysis report
-Basic structure design and Weight of required steel
-PVsyst power generation report to forecast the generation
Myth #5. It’s Difficult To Monitor Solar Designing Progress & Solar Site Altogether
We know that being a solar EPC is not an easy job to shoulder; it requires monitoring and execution of multiple tasks with equal attention. We understand that sometimes managing all the tasks becomes quite hectic, but there is nothing to worry about as Heaven Designs is here to help you with its amazing service of ‘Design Portal’. We provide complete access to the design portal where you just have to upload the site survey data and rest back, because we take the charge from there.
Follow these simple steps to go solar-
1-Upload Site Survey Data- Log in to Dashboard and upload your site survey data through app or website.
2– Get Suitable Design Solution- We will allocate you experienced solar engineering consultants & will design your project as per your need.
3– Monitor Project Progress- Monitor your project progress in design dashboard.
4– Download Designs- You can download & view any of your Solar design & Solar Plant Layouts / Drawings anytime for free.
We hope that our blog was able to clear all the major myths in the mind of EPCs and we pledge to strive hard in order to grow and ease your solar business.
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To grow your solar business effectively, we have developed online software. Where you can create, monitor & track your design project any time.
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