Heaven Designs

How to Grow Solar EPC Business using Solar Plant Design?

Good design is good business.”

Thomas Watson Jr, businessman, second president of IBM

As the solar market is growing rapidly, we can see there is huge competition in the solar EPC business. A lot of people just jump into solar business without having any long-term vision & planning. Many times, we see that many small companies take projects at a very low cost to just get into the business and to build the portfolio. Sometimes, it’s impossible to execute projects at that price while maintaining a good quality of equipment. As a result of poor planning & low-quality material, energy generation starts decreasing day by day and ultimately leads to a long time in ROI. (return on investment)

Due to such activity, we are seeing two major severe effects in the solar market.

  1. The consumer starts demanding to match the lowest price.
  2. The consumer starts doubting on solar performance & good solar companies.

Companies try hard to explain everything about quality & good service, but Indian consumers mostly go with low price products! We studied, many visionary & good solar companies are facing such an issue of “Price War”.

We also found that the average solar project size required in the industrial zone in the Indian market is about 50 to 100 KW. So single industrial project investment will be 25 to 50 Lakh Rupees. It is a huge investment and customer needs quick ROI of this investment.

Even though having enough skills and good experience in the solar field, many a time, Small or medium-scale solar companies or entrepreneurs struggle to convince the customer because of the huge project size. Customers always ask about previous projects, company age & turnover.

But we all know, On-grid solar is a highly technical business where a deep understanding of electrical concepts is required. Almost all the solar EPC companies have skilled & knowledgeable electrical engineers in staff. But the customer always focuses on price & company experience. In such a case, It’s tough to win the lead.

What is the Solution?

Now, we found the exact problem; rather than arguing or explaining verbally, we started taking action to solve such problems. We introduced the concept of solar pre-design in 2017. We divided it into four parts.

  1. 3D walk-through video & 3D photos of customer’s industry
  2. Shadow analysis & finding the site capacity
  3. Structure Design & steel weight
  4. Power generation report

Each of the above services adds a lot of value in the process of convincing the customer. Let’s understand one by one.

1. 3D Walk-through Video

3D walk-through video

After visiting the customer’s site, we create the same industry 3D model in our software. We create all the objects the same as on the site. We give them actual texture to make the model more realistic and impressive and render the images with your logo and brand name. Then we place the solar panels in a 100% shadow-free area. In our software, by entering the exact location of the place, we found real-time shadow patterns. We show that in video with a real-time clock (watch the entire video above). We create one video presentation too. This exercise adds the following values.

  1. Solar company (EPC) will have the exact site capacity.
  2. It helps to aware the customer about the shadow in particular months.
  3. Solar EPC can provide the exact quotation.
  4. It helps to engage the customer in his industries’ solar design.
  5. Such detailed work will impress the customer.
  6. Your brand value will increase in front of the customer

2. Shadow Analysis Images

In the meeting, you take the print out of shadow analysis images and can mark the shadow places in front of the customer. Aware him, what can be the effect of shadow on your energy generation. You can also discuss the optimizer technology and can impress your customer with your technical strength. The customer will take such things seriously, which is directly impacting on his ROI.

Yes, We have many proven case studies on it. But this is not enough to close the solar project deal. Our goal is to help solar EPC company and the End consumer. Based on feedback from our client, in march 2018, we introduced two more features!

3. Structure Design & Steel Weight

solar panel structure for shed in 3D

Solar panels & Solar structures are heavy equipment. Many times, customers get confused about Whether his existing shed can sustain or not with the additional weight of the solar plant. So to satisfy them, we provide them with total steel weight BOM. We also provide how much weight will be there per sq feet after the installation of the solar plant.

And in behind the scene, It also helps EPC to provide the best quotation. Because now EPC has more accurate BOM.

4. Pvsyst Power Generation Report

As an EPC company, we know that a good designed & good quality solar power plant produces more than 4 kWh energy per day per KW. Rather than convey it verbally, we can provide the power generation report. Customers may ask a few questions out of it, and again you got a chance to showcase your technical skills.

energy generaton report
  1. Power generation reports help to predict energy generation if we install directly on shed on the northside or southside
  2. It also helps to find out shadow losses and azimuth/tilt losses
  3. We can also showcase PID loss and Cable losses
  4. It also helps to get the loan to the customer

We have many Clients who are regularly getting design from us and who have closed the many solar deals (even for a big project like 400 KW) with this much preparation of Heaven’s Design.

When Should We Provide the Solar Pre-design to the Customer?

You mustn’t provide such detailed pre-design to every customer. We strongly recommend that provide pre-design to only those consumer who is serious about installing project on their industry’s roof.

  1. If you have successfully completed 2 or 3 meetings and got a positive sign from the customer.
  2. If the customer is serious and really wants to understand technical things and not focusing only on price, then go for pre-design service.
  3. Realize customers that you are giving such a solution even before getting the PO.

What Care Should Be Taken Before you Provide the Pre-design?

  1. Do a complete detailed site survey. Only google location is not enough.
  2. Take enough photos & video of the site
  3. upload proper details on Heaven’s Design Portal.

From Where We Can Get a Solar Design?

  1. We have a broad experience in solar project design, Engineering & Consultancy. We have more than 190 clients across India.
  2. You can hire us on a monthly basis as per your requirement. Check out Packages.
  3. We can provide you with a design service for a single project as well.
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