How Heaven Designs Map PV Systems For Your Solar Business?

The process of how solar designing companies design a solar PV system is a detailed and step by step process. Heaven Designs would like to give you some insights into how we design a solar power system for your solar business. Solar system design takes into account two immensely important factors – the available space that you have for installing solar panels and the amount of electric energy consumed annually. Other significant variables, as point by point concealing examination and the effectiveness of solar structure design and inverters, additionally become an integral factor depending upon your customer’s property.

The Three Main Steps To Effective Solar System Design:

-Compute every day energy use by deciding watt-hour use every month/year (this data will be on a -given service bill)
-Get a framework size gauge and sort out the number of solar boards you need
-Shop for the privilege solar framework dependent on the effectiveness and yield of the boards you decide to viably design your ideal framework!

Computation Of Site Space & Energy Requirements

Assuming that your customer is interested in installing solar panels on the roof, and then the roof space determines the maximum number of solar panels that can be efficiently installed. A single solar panel varies in size but is usually around 16 sq. ft. in size. The panels are affixed to solar structure design for proper holding and giving a direction to the solar panels. The roof spaces are generally limited by vents, chimneys, and any other required offsets from roof-mounted equipment may limit the solar system design by size. In such a scenario, our solar engineering consultants dive deep into the site survey data for effective solutions.

Simulation Parameters
Simulation Parameters

An average solar PV system may generate different amount of electricity as per the site location and the orientation of roof, our solar engineering consultants use aerial imagery to graph in solar system design for your client’s roof space with exact estimation for the right size of system that will effectively fit and how much electricity the particular system will produce each year with a given number of assumptions. If you’d like to try this yourself, you can go to our web portal where you just have to upload your site survey data and rest will be handled by Heaven Designs.

Solar Power System Design On The Basis Of Electricity Consumption

One of the most important factors in designing the right solar system for your customer is to determine the respective actual and annual electricity consumption. Armed with their electricity usage information, the on grid solar pv system for client’s is designed to offset 100% of their annual usage. This will vary by site location and the roof profile.

Typically, solar pv design covers 100% or less of annual usage to maximize the financial benefits for you and your customer, but if your client is planning to increase his energy use in the near future than Heaven Designs solar engineering consultants can help in order to design a system that matches best with your client’s requirements.

The Impact Of Shading On Solar System Design

The impact of shading outcasts every possibility of energy generation for solar systems. No matter how efficient a solar design, engineering, and computation is; a single shadow on a single cell makes that whole lot inefficient. Therefore, solar systems must be in a 100% shadow-free area to get the most optimum generation. Heaven Designs considers the sun position throughout the year and our site location azimuth to makes the site 100% shadow-free. Our shadow analysis targets the shortest and the longest days of the year i.e. 22nd December and 21st June respectively for a given location. When the site is shadow-free on these days, then the solar panels will be shadow-free the entire year.

In order to get the best designs for your solar business one must go for a company that not only helps with great designing but which can also help in engineering as well as when required can provide a healthy consultation. Heaven Designs is always here to troubleshoot all your solar designing and engineering problems.

Register On Our Online Design Portal:

To grow your solar business effectively, we have developed online software, where you can create, monitor & track your design project any time.

Follow These Simple Steps-

-Site visit form included and mobile-friendly portal
-Track each project design on the dashboard
-You can also Add your team and provide them the user ID and password
-Upload site visit data or project name
-Download complete design in one go-

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