Heaven Designs Private Limited

Shadow Analysis & Its Direct Relation With ROI

Shadow analysis is the most essential step in the phase of solar system design or analysis. In the case of solar PV design it is important to analyse the shading caused by neighbouring objects. In special cases like analysis of on grid solar system design, the exact analysis of shadow-voltaic systems (overhangs, vertical shading fins, awnings etc.) is very important. Shading analysis is a very critical step in finalizing the ideal location of solar panels locations for solar system installation. A shadow falling on a panel blocks the progression of sun oriented energy and at last, the panel gets damaged through warming. Even panels not in shadow zone get warmed as they attempt to make up for the power or energy loss. Generally, the harmed panels are not covered under guarantee, adding to the activities cost of the whole power plant.

Why Does Shading Have Such A Dramatic Impact On Energy Generation?

shading and its impact on energy generation
Shading Impact On Energy Generation

In most occasions, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for homes, businesses and industries consist of solar panels and an inverter. Firstly, these solar panels catch sunlight and convert it into electricity (direct current) for consumption. The inverter converts the DC electricity into grid- and appliance-compatible AC (alternating current) electricity.

Most small-scale solar system designs for homes and small businesses will include anywhere from 6 to 30 panels, although the ‘size’ of a system is referred by its capacity (in kilowatts – e.g. 5kW). Secondly, for technical reasons which are related to the requirement of voltage by the system’s inverter, solar arrays are generally divided into ‘strings’ of solar panels. Small systems can only have 1 string, while the other large systems could have many more. 

However, you can relate a string of panels with something like a piece of pipe, and the solar energy is like water flowing through that pipe. In standard solar panel strings, shade is something that blocks the flow of energy. For example, shade from a tree or a chimney is casted on even one of all the panels, the output of the whole string will be reduced to virtually zero for as long as the shadow stays there. If there is a separate, un-shaded string, then it will continue to produce power as per usual.

Thirdly, in extreme cases, a shadow does not need to fall on an entire solar panel – depending on the technology and solar design used in the solar panel. Meanwhile, shading of even just one single cell could flatten the entire energy output of the panel and in turn, the entire string.

How Can The Shadow Be Dodged?

Visual Analysis

The fastest and easiest way of doing a shadow analysis is by just having a detailed look at the site. We all probably do this at some point, but self- analysis is not always right and up to the mark. This is where you need to consult a team of specialist like- Heaven Designs, who creates the optimum solar structure design as per the site survey data. Each and every person wants to generate maximum energy in minimum spaces and the visual analysis report helps them in understanding by a simple formula of 100 sq. ft. per KW.

Shadow Analysis Report

The most important step in finalizing the right solar design for a home, office, business or industry is to have a detailed site survey to create a complete shadow analysis report for the solar plant. A wrong or incomplete site survey can serve as to be the worst nightmare for your investment.
Heaven Designs Detailed Engineering & Shadow Analysis Report by the best solar engineering consultants possesses the audacity to commit and create the best shadow dodging solar system design. Solar power plants and panels must be in a 100% shadow-free area in order to get optimum generation. In addition, designing the solar system design, we need to consider the sun position throughout the year and our site location azimuth.

Shadow Analysis Report
Shadow Analysis Loss Diagram

Site Free From Shadow

Shadow Analysis 21st June
Shadow Analysis 21st December

To make your site 100% shadow-free, we do shadow analysis on 22nd December and 21st June (the shortest and longest days respectively) for a given location. Therefore, if the site is shadow-free on these days, then shadow won’t cast on panels for an entire year. Lastly, while making the 3D model, we also consider the height of the solar power plant and azimuth.
At the last, the angle between a celestial body (sun, moon) and the North, measured clockwise around the observer’s horizon) of the project as well. As a result, our Shadow Analysis report covers all the parameters for your solar investment in order to give the best ROI. 

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